Monday, October 04, 2010


I have been having these particularly disturbing recurring dreams. In these dreams, I am pulling sticky gum? or tar?, or gritty-pebbly putty out of my mouth.

Although I pull it out in clumps and strings, I can't get it all out; I wake up worrying about dental disasters (which is not a completely abstract concept, considering reality), although these dreams do not coincide with any Real Dental Disasters.

Everything I have researched about this type of dream has pointed to the fact that I am feeling or being silenced.
I may be allowing this, but I have been silenced. I have chosen to be allowed to be silenced.

Okay. I will investigate this.

These dreams are stifling me.
They are silencing me.

I have a problem with being silenced.
And yes, I have a problem with being controlled, after taking many careful steps to reclaim my own life.

I will not be silenced.

Which is why I am putting myself back online.

Why I took myself 'offline' is another story, and that will have to wait.


mamadaisy said...

We missed you.

furiousBall said...

eye of the tiger

Tigger said...

Oh I'm so glad you're back! I've been terribly worried about you!

Colleen said...

I'm glad you're back. Hope all is okay...

Candy said...

Welcome back. Glad you're reclaiming what is yours.

Kate said...

Welcome back! I've been worried to and didn't know who to ask. Let us know if we can help.

Jenny Grace said...

Good. You belong here.

Pamela said...

i am totally afraid of bad teeth dreams.

Shannon Des Roches Rosa said...

Any form of hearing from you is good; this one is particularly good. *mwah*

Vickie said...

So glad you are back, was really worried.

MFA Mama said...


Stickyknitter said...

Hi G! SO so so glad to have you back! I have hardly seen you around town lately so it felt especially quiet. I hope you and the little ones are well!

Ashley said...

So glad to see you, Gwendo!

Lisa P. said...

I've read your blog for awhile but haven't left a message before. I'm glad to see you back.

Melissa said...


Sarah said...

Welcome back!

nakedjen said...

i can not wait to hug and squeeze you properly. in all kinds of ways. i have missed you. madly. xox

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you're back! I was worried.

Ben and Bennie said...

Glad to have you back!!!

Tiki_Idyll said...

I'm glad you're back. Your blog is one of the few I follow regularly, and I feel for everything you've gone/are going through.

Narya said...

I mostly lurk, but I, too, am glad you're back.

Alexicographer said...

Welcome back. It's good to see you.

jwg said...


fairymama said...

Hugs from Wisconsin. I've been worried about you all. Glad you are back and I can catch up on everything Bubbles & Supergirl :)

Jabberwocky said...

I am so glad you are back!

Unknown said...

I am glad you are back too! I had a feeling you did what you did was to protect/figure things out mode for your family (and yourself). Really glad you are back! :-)

Suzy said...

Welcome back and to reclaiming your voice. Suzy