will i make it out the door? as i write this with one hand - bubbles hates nursing in the sling- and supergirl is reaaallllly bummed that i am leaving her for the day and i just finally got a shower and it is snowing i kid you not where i live (coastal ca) and will i make it?
bubbles is coming along but he has been on a NO NAPS schedule which is taking its toll and currently asleep and suckling here i am afraid to disturb him.
will i get my hair brushed?
will he sleep?
will i be too shy to meet new friends since the lovely jen is SICK and i don't really know anyone else except by web?
will supergirl survive the next possibly 4 hours without her mama?
no - don't ask HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T!!!!!!!! she lies!!!!!!!!
is there a stain on my butt? YES!
but will i make it out the door with the beautiful cupcakes?

or enough diapers?
TUNE IN..........