Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Spiderman Theme Song Debate

So Bubbles and his buddy, Orion, have a lot in common, beginning with their shared love of superheroes, especially The Best Superhero, Spiderman.

Much to Bubbles' excitement, Orion came to visit this weekend to 'pway wif toys and share the guys'!!

They then sat down to sing, and kept correcting each other on the lyrics of the Spidey theme song:

That was pretty funny, but then they got the giggles, and it devolved into some sort of knee-slapping hilarity:

I know. Just try not to laugh.

1 comment:

kitrona said...

My two-year-old came running over when he heard the videos, and he loved them! XD

Cutie pie kids. :) Why does Bubbles' shirt say "Eggs" backwards, though?

p.s. I found you through Katie :)