I am happy to call Barack Obama my president.
I am looking forward to a day when patriotic means something positive again.
With all sweet victory comes a bitter edge.....
But to those of my fellow Californians who voted YES on Prop 8.......this is for you.

You are ignorant, petty, bigoted, joyless, spiteful, angry, misinformed, desperate, and possess none of the qualities which makes a person a Christian or just a decent human being.
Jen, for the
I tag 8 bloggers to offer their own
angry face response to this result:
- Jen
- Grace
- Lin
- Denise
- Cindy
- Tricia
- Deb
- Badger
you rock. i couldn't agree more.
that is a fierce face. i do not want to piss you off.
but i DO want to borrow that sweater. please?
i am going to do this. because it is you.
did i mention i didn't want to piss you off?
Okay, I got ya covered, but uhm, is that Bubbles in the bathtub?
While you are all looking the other way you selfish lesbian lover! Ignoring your own flesh and blood (who can't even talk) to be mean and vindictive to the poor Christian folk who are just trying to protect their young ones from corrupt toaster grabbing gay and lesbian devils!
Do I sound like a good troll?
Just refocusing my anger towards you...
I'll have to get to work on this when my hair is looking better.
Amen. I've never been quite so ashamed to be Mormon.
And you're one to not spread hate. I just read a comment you left on a blog buddies website, calling her names because she has a different political viewpoint than you.
Take down that finger and try taking a long hard look in the mirror. Yeah, I don't like what I see either.
Your aren't spreading hate Mama, and you know it.
The world is FULL of ingnorance.
And I just feel plain sorry for the ignorant....
Love is Love, that's all I've got to say about that.
You are the Queen of Blogland!
Truly, all of the outrage at Prop 8 has been amazingly heartening. Thanks for speaking out.
Mission accomplished@!!! Wheeeeeeee
hell yeah lady. you and Jen kick ass. I'm tempted to do the same but as reflect-o-porn, but if i did that, it would totally make my xmas cards a repeat
Yeah, I wasn't quite as blunt on my blog, and no pictures, but yeah.
brneyed gal;
It is perfectly legitimate to not tolerate the bigotry.
awesome. i'm totally going to do this. or, i'll totally mean to do it, then forget about it. just like this other thing i read about, which is kind of nice...
remember how you felt four years ago? i like being on the winning side. less doom and gloom, you know? but that's how the other side is feeling. not that they cared about it four years ago.
did this make any sense?
The words under your picture were the exact words I was going to use to YOU, going to a dear friends blog and spewing venomous crap just because she disagrees with who you voted for. It is her blog and she can say what she damn well pleases just as you say what you damn well please. My Mama always said if you can't say anything nice then shut the hell up
So I will..and maybe you should too!
P.S. I am the Queen Thank- You very much
hot damn! i love you!
Dear "Wishes you were Queen"
Venom breeds venom. Her post was the most disgusting brand of racism I have ever witnessed. PLEASE PEOPLE - OBAMA IS NOT A MUSLIM and even if he were, you are STILL a racist intolerant ignoramus.
You go, girl. And send that salute out to Arkansas while you're at it.
Again I say how sad..you can have your opinion but if someone else has a different one then they are full of hate. Just sad.
What is the root of the reason for voting yes?
If you quote the bible- the bible I know is a book of love. God loves everyone.
The root, the base for a yes vote comes from a place of hate. Or a place of fear.
Well girlie,
You know what greeted me on my front lawn....... Vote yes on prop 8 because the soon to be X is a bitter p.o.s. No it does not stand for point of sale as my girl Linda says hahahah. Piece of ..... is more like it. Thanx for the tag babe.
You are the one full of hate. I feel bad for your children. There are gay people who do not feel that the definition of marriage ought to be changed. Do they hate themselves? No they just feel like civil unions are enough and no reason to change a thousands and thousands of years old definition of marriage. And if you're going to direct some hate, direct it at hispanics and blacks who came out for Obama and pushed the votes over the top for Prop 8. But I know that getting angry at them is not as fun as getting angry at white christians is it? Because let's face it, you people hate yourselves.
What does "you people hate yourselves" mean?
The real question is why would NakedJen want to borrow your sweater being the woman never seems to wear clothes too often. :)
Just shows you how open-minded Naked Jen is!
To the Anon who wrote:
"And if you're going to direct some hate, direct it at hispanics and blacks who came out for Obama and pushed the votes over the top for Prop 8. But I know that getting angry at them is not as fun as getting angry at white christians is it? Because let's face it, you people hate yourselves."
Please, Anon, you sound like you want to be a "good Christian," but those are not the loving, forgiving, merciful words (and attitude) that I was taught by the nuns at St. Nicholas Church. Seriously, if you feel that GwendoMama is wrong, then forgive her.
Geener- Ummm.....I guess you can call people like Nakejen "open-minded". Others call it attention seeking and odd.
"Attention seeking and odd" because she wanted to borrow a sweater?? Geez.
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