Wednesday, May 30, 2007

(Waste Free) Pink lunch

Supergirl is very psyched to use her all pink bento set tomorrow.
What's inside the boxes?

Snack container on left: dried mango, almonds, dried snappeas.
Top: blackberries and watermelon
Middle: cheese bears and bread, senbei rice crackers and cheese squares, cucumbers (in a little silicone cup so they won't get the bread soggy), carrot sticks.
Bottom (which is really the bento top): seaweed and peach pocky!
Lucky Girl!!!


mamadaisy said...

good god, woman, you're making the rest of us lunch-packing moms look bad!

do they make blue hello kitty for boys? would my kid get beat up for using this even if it was blue?

Jhianna said...

Man, I want one of those to take to work for my lunch.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you read Vegan Lunch Box. If not, it's, and it will blow your mind!

Secondly, does she really eat all of that? My son can barely finish a sandwich at lunch time.

gwendomama said...

oh i drool over veganlunchbox!
supergirl is in all day k-garten (8:30-2:30)so they have snack and lunch. plus, they are just allowed to take a break and eat if they need to - not that that is ever my kid.
but she does like small amounts of food, she does like finger and snacky food. so that day? the fruit was gone, the snack box had a few almonds left in it, the cukes and the bear sandwich was gone. she always eats the seaweed. i swear.

Indigo Children said...

She is a lucky girl! What a beautiful lunch. I want some of this bento stuff.