Monday, August 07, 2006

The Boss Of Seattle (I know her)

So here we are in the land of...well, Seattle. I don't know any of the local nicknames for the city. But I am fortunate enough to be staying with the most knowledgeable Boss Of Seattle. How do I know this? Well, I have known Julia a very long time (if I said we were old college friends and that we have been buds for 20 years that would probably be saying too much.) and I can tell you that she is very knowledgeable AND very bossy. So I was not surprised when Supergirl and FrankieDoodle (Julia's youngest of her 3 gorgeous boys, FrankieDoodle turned 4 yesterday at a very cool Seattle Beach party. yes. beach.) were swinging the day after we got here and I overheard their conversation:
Supergirl: Well, your mom might be the boss of you but she is not the boss of everything.
FrankieDoodle: She is too.
SG: Well maybe she is the boss of everything, but she is not the boss of me.
FD: Yes she is too.
SG: Well maybe she is but she is not the boss of Seattle.
FrankieDoodle let a good 30 seconds pass before delivering his thoughtful response:
Well, actually, she is.

Thank goodness we are staying with an expert! It's sure to be a fun adventure (considering the number of empty wine bottles thus far!).

And now for my new regular segment about Supergirl's life...
What's not fair today (yesterday):
FrankieDoodle was all excited about having a sleepover in the bunkbeds and now he's not.

What's not fair today (today):
I had to carry my scooter up the hill from the playground and you helped FrankieDoodle with his tractor.

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