If you toss your roasted pumpkin seeds in a little maple syrup and then put them in the oven on 'warm' until they are dry, they are....awesome. (And they will disappear.)
I've been waiting for this woman to call me or come visit for hours. Does anyone know where she is? We may get tired of waiting and head to the beach. Tell her to meet us there.
How many of you have a therapy cupboard? With all of our recent transition travails, I have started one for Bubbles. Which is why Kelley made me cry real earnest-like tears of joy for her when she wrote about her therapy cupboard. (Which, I assume, is now full of shoes and chocolate.)
I just found this craft and can't wait to try it! I am sending my children out this instant to harvest acorns!
Awwwwwwwwwww! Thank you!
we are doing that craft, too, care of links at Scribbit. she also has an acorn wreath, other acorn crafts, and instructions for properly drying acorns first (lest your lovely craft items become overrun with weavils or --eeewwww-- maggots!).
yay holidays!
NakedJEN: i should have done some sort of naked something today
i'm at grace's house
taking care of her dog
Snipet from a chat with NJ 4 days ago.
I think she was online 48 hours ago for a few minutes
Ooh, those are cool.
Yes, she really should move out here. I would make her a pear rosemary martini. And one for you too. Or maybe two.
We like acorn caps for doll hats.
I suck. I have had this post open in my browser for days to thank you for making me cry again about the therapy cupboard.
It is still empty.
I still walk by and my heart lurches.
Dunno if I am ready yet to fill it. But I am gunna ask that fat guy to bring me a shite load of chocolate to store in there :)
Smootches babe. And I am so sorry for taking so long to comment.
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