POPSICLES, ANYONE? This is a classic parenting issue, candid and sensitively written by AspieMom. You will love the surprise ending.

We love bacon. But Sain't Christopher may have just paved his way to heaven with delicious bacon with the generous sharing of the Wake and Bake invention. Easy-Bake Oven's got nothin on this.

Find out how we can save America by marrying the country off to a younger, richer country.

You may like her or not, but I am completely enamored with her accent. Recently, Lemonette was triple dog dared to tell us a story 'bout paynises.

Speaking of accents, meet my new friend Bennie. He has an accomplished redneck accent (claims to have a truck-up-on-blocks in his yard but all I can see is a giant swimming pool), a gorgeous tweenaged daughter, an adorable and exceptional zen master for a son, and a wife who he orders around as his personal redneck chihuahua videographer.
Oh fun, great links!
Thanks for the love!
Side note: I totally thought of you (and your cake) when I bought six million strawberries at Costco today. Not quite the same as the ones from your coastal organic strawberry farm, probably, but they were organic at least!
groovy new stuff to check out.
btw, i don't know karate nor mary lou retton, but not necessarily in that order.
Gwendo, you rock! BTW, my neighbor actually has the cars...and tractor...and junk sittin' about his estate. I think this calls for a blog post to prove it.
Also Lemonette cracked me up!
Ben the zen master rocks! ~Geener
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